Sleep Diet

3 Tips for Falling Back to Sleep After a Night Waking

 3 Tips for Falling Back to Sleep After a Night Waking

If you're like most of my clients (and how I used to be), you don't have a hard time falling asleep; staying asleep is your issue. You're likely waking up around two or three o'clock in the morning, and it could take you a couple of hours to fall back to sleep, that is if you can fall back to sleep at all. I know all too well how frustrating night wakings can be and have helped not only hundreds of clients overcome night wakings but myself as well.

Why Having a Fast Metabolism Could be to Blame for Your Insomnia

Why Having a Fast Metabolism Could be to Blame for Your Insomnia

You may think that having a fast metabolism is a good thing. However, like everything that has to do with your health, it is all about balance. A fast metabolism can seriously impact your health and sleep as it inhibits your body's ability to absorb calming minerals like magnesium and calcium.