
How to Create a Morning Routine That Will Help You Sleep Better

How to Create a Morning Routine That Will Help You Sleep Better

Morning routines are the first step in getting your day off to a good start, which sets you up for a good night’s sleep. But what if you don’t know where to begin? I’ve laid out 8 steps for designing your morning routine so you can create the routine that works for you, while incorporating all the important steps you need along the way.

Change Your Mindset to Improve Your Sleep

Change Your Mindset to Improve Your Sleep

Improving our sleep and health is a joint effort — partly physical, and partly mental. As cliché as it may sound, mindset has a lot to do with our physical bodies. Studies have shown how our thoughts can either improve or deteriorate our health! The good news is, our brains are neuroplastic, meaning they can change. You can make new pathways in your brain by changing your thoughts. It takes time, and it doesn't come naturally to any of us — but the effort is 100% worth it.

What to Do When Your Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Health and Relationships

What to Do When Your Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Health and Relationships

You know that sleep affects the way you feel, but you may not realize that your poor night’s sleep is the reason you’re snapping at your loved ones. If this has become a perpetual issue, let’s look into the reasons why and what you can do to solve it. Read how to do it here.

Could Your Blood Sugar Crash Be to Blame for Your Insomnia?

Could Your Blood Sugar Crash Be to Blame for Your Insomnia?

If you’ve ever experienced a jolting 3:00 AM wake-up where you’re rearing to go, you may have wondered why in the world it happened. It’s actually indicative of a blood sugar crash — and here’s why. Find out in the blog post and learn my tips for how to avoid these crashes in the future.

Top 4 Tips to Help You Sleep Better in the Winter

Top 4 Tips to Help You Sleep Better in the Winter

If winter wreaks havoc on your sleep, you’re not alone. Even though there are plenty of people who swear they sleep better in the winter months, there are many of us (hello!) who do not. Check out this blog post to find out why and to get my top tips to get you sleeping better during the chilly season.

The Link Between Breast Cancer and Sleep: How Sleeping Can Help You Fight the Odds

The Link Between Breast Cancer and Sleep: How Sleeping Can Help You Fight the Odds

The link between sleep and breast cancer is being studied more than ever before. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I want to talk to you about why sleep is critical when it comes to breast cancer education, detection, and prevention. If sleep helps to fight the odds of developing this disease, then I want to make sure I do my part to educate, spread awareness, and get you the sleep you need to win the fight.

Creating the Ideal Sleep Sanctuary for Better Sleep

Creating the Ideal Sleep Sanctuary for Better Sleep

Struggling with sleep? Maybe your bedroom is the problem. Let’s turn your sleep environment into the ideal sleep sanctuary for better sleep. I offer science-backed suggestions along with my favorite products and recommendations to set you up for sleep success.