sleep environment

The Power of a Sleep Divorce

The Power of a Sleep Divorce

A few years ago, I found myself contemplating a “divorce” due to my husband's thunderous snoring. However, this wasn't a typical marital divorce—it was a sleep divorce. Surprisingly, this decision brought about a remarkable transformation, enhancing our relationship in ways we never expected.

Why You May Not Sleep As Well This Summer

Why You May Not Sleep As Well This Summer

Are you starting to stress out that your sleep is going to worsen in the upcoming months because you sleep better in the winter versus the summer? If so, I want to let you know that you're not alone and this could have nothing to do with you as an individual. Instead, humans might just be wired to sleep longer in the winter versus the summer. A new study shows that individuals, even in an urban environment, sleep an hour less in the summer months versus the winter months.

Why Your Liver is Waking You Up at Night

Why Your Liver is Waking You Up at Night

In this blog post, I identify a hidden sleep sabotager that may be affecting your sleep - a sluggish liver.

A healthy liver is the foundation of good functional health. We dive deep into the direct relationship between your liver and sleep disturbances. I also discuss the many tips to improve your liver health from diet and what you are consuming, to household products, and how to show your liver more love.

How to Repair Your Relationship with Your Bed So You Can Improve Sleep

How to Repair Your Relationship with Your Bed So You Can Improve Sleep

These 3 simple steps will transform how you sleep.

In the world of psychology, this comes down to something called “stimulus control” and the basic premise is this: our subconscious connects different environments with different feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

I call it "Just Don't Lie There".

Read this blog post to learn my 3-step strategy to help decrease the time it takes you to fall asleep or back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.

5 Travel Sleep Tips for Your Next Trip

5 Travel Sleep Tips for Your Next Trip

Traveling can be stressful on its own, but especially if you’re someone who experiences sleep issues. The anxiety alone of wondering whether you’ll get a good night’s rest while you’re on-the-go is enough to keep you up at night! Friend, I have been in your shoes and I am here to tell you that there IS a way to rest well while you’re on vacation. Read this blog post to learn my tips on how to do it!

Change Your Mindset to Improve Your Sleep

Change Your Mindset to Improve Your Sleep

Improving our sleep and health is a joint effort — partly physical, and partly mental. As cliché as it may sound, mindset has a lot to do with our physical bodies. Studies have shown how our thoughts can either improve or deteriorate our health! The good news is, our brains are neuroplastic, meaning they can change. You can make new pathways in your brain by changing your thoughts. It takes time, and it doesn't come naturally to any of us — but the effort is 100% worth it.

What to Do When Your Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Health and Relationships

What to Do When Your Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Health and Relationships

You know that sleep affects the way you feel, but you may not realize that your poor night’s sleep is the reason you’re snapping at your loved ones. If this has become a perpetual issue, let’s look into the reasons why and what you can do to solve it. Read how to do it here.

When Is the Best Time to Have Sex for Your Chronotype?

When Is the Best Time to Have Sex for Your Chronotype?

Love is in the air. It’s time to talk about one of my favorite topics — sleep animals — and how you can improve your sex life with a few good tips regarding your chronotype. Check out this blog post to get the nitty gritty on the best way to get busy this Valentine’s Day!

How to Control Temperature for Better Sleep

How to Control Temperature for Better Sleep

Did you know that temperature plays a big role in our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep? In this blog post, I'm going to break down the interplay between temperature and sleep. Then, I’ll give you the best ways to make temperature work for you and your sleep, with some suggestions on what you can swap out or bring in to your life to optimize it all.