mental health

How to Repair Your Relationship with Your Bed So You Can Improve Sleep

How to Repair Your Relationship with Your Bed So You Can Improve Sleep

These 3 simple steps will transform how you sleep.

In the world of psychology, this comes down to something called “stimulus control” and the basic premise is this: our subconscious connects different environments with different feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

I call it "Just Don't Lie There".

Read this blog post to learn my 3-step strategy to help decrease the time it takes you to fall asleep or back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.

5 Travel Sleep Tips for Your Next Trip

5 Travel Sleep Tips for Your Next Trip

Traveling can be stressful on its own, but especially if you’re someone who experiences sleep issues. The anxiety alone of wondering whether you’ll get a good night’s rest while you’re on-the-go is enough to keep you up at night! Friend, I have been in your shoes and I am here to tell you that there IS a way to rest well while you’re on vacation. Read this blog post to learn my tips on how to do it!