Functional Lab Testing

How to Boost Serotonin Naturally for Better Sleep

How to Boost Serotonin Naturally for Better Sleep

Discover the pivotal role of serotonin in enhancing sleep quality and overall well-being. This post delves into strategies to boost serotonin levels, from nutrient-rich foods to the benefits of sunlight exposure, offering actionable insights for anyone seeking to improve their sleep without relying on supplements.

How Blood Sugar Impacts Your Sleep

How Blood Sugar Impacts Your Sleep

If you're among the countless individuals struggling with sleepless nights, the culprit could be hiding in your blood sugar levels. Blood sugar dysregulation, often linked to conditions like pre-diabetes or insulin resistance, can disrupt your ability to fall asleep, lead to nighttime awakenings, and result in overall restless nights.

The Inflammation-Sleep Connection

The Inflammation-Sleep Connection

Let's dive into something that may be quietly wreaking havoc on your sleep. We've all had those nights – the endless tossing and turning, the frustrating struggle to catch some sleep. If you're like me, you've probably wondered why sleep is playing hard to get. Well, it turns out there's a sneaky culprit lurking in the shadows: inflammation.

Why Having a Fast Metabolism Could be to Blame for Your Insomnia

Why Having a Fast Metabolism Could be to Blame for Your Insomnia

You may think that having a fast metabolism is a good thing. However, like everything that has to do with your health, it is all about balance. A fast metabolism can seriously impact your health and sleep as it inhibits your body's ability to absorb calming minerals like magnesium and calcium.