Sleep Tips

Is Candida Overgrowth Keeping You Up at Night?

Is Candida Overgrowth Keeping You Up at Night?

It's estimated that 70% of individuals have been infected with Candida at some point in their lifetime. Most of us have a little in our systems, which is fine. But when it gets out of control, it can wreak havoc on our entire bodies, impacting our ability to sleep! Get all the details in this blogpost.

How to Boost Serotonin Naturally for Better Sleep

How to Boost Serotonin Naturally for Better Sleep

Discover the pivotal role of serotonin in enhancing sleep quality and overall well-being. This post delves into strategies to boost serotonin levels, from nutrient-rich foods to the benefits of sunlight exposure, offering actionable insights for anyone seeking to improve their sleep without relying on supplements.

Why Good Sleep Hygiene Alone Hasn't Solved Your Sleep Issues

Why Good Sleep Hygiene Alone Hasn't Solved Your Sleep Issues

In the quest for restful sleep, many overlook the crucial role stress plays in disrupting our night's rest. This journey into understanding how our body's stress response—constantly on high alert—leads to hormonal imbalances and nutrient deficiencies, unveils the deeper issues behind our sleep struggles. Beyond standard sleep hygiene advice, the key lies in functional testing and personalized interventions. This exploration offers a beacon of hope for those battling sleepless nights, guiding them towards reclaiming the rejuvenating sleep they desperately seek. Ready to unravel the mysteries of your sleep disturbances? Let's embark on this enlightening path together.

Daylight Savings Time 2024: Essential Sleep Tips to Help Adults Spring Forward

Daylight Savings Time 2024: Essential Sleep Tips to Help Adults Spring Forward

As Daylight Savings Time approaches on March 10, adjusting your sleep schedule is crucial for a smooth transition. By gradually shifting your bedtime and embracing morning sunlight, you can ease the adjustment period and maintain your well-being. Follow these expert tips to navigate the time change with minimal disruption to your sleep cycle.

Is H. pylori Wrecking Your Sleep?

Is H. pylori Wrecking Your Sleep?

H. pylori (Heliobacter pylori) is a common bacteria found in the gut. Among many symptoms, it causes sleep disruptions! In this blog post, I tell you why this clever little bacteria can make such a big impact on sleep and how it does it.

How Poor Methylation Impacts Your Sleep

How Poor Methylation Impacts Your Sleep

Sleep is an indispensable aspect of our overall well-being, especially for busy women like us who are  juggling multiple roles. However, when the delicate balance of sleep is disrupted, it can have profound effects on our daily lives. One lesser-known yet influential factor that significantly impacts sleep quality is methylation—a biochemical process that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including the regulation of sleep patterns.

3 Easy Ways to Revitalize Your Sleep in 2024

3 Easy Ways to Revitalize Your Sleep in 2024

Happy New Year, friends! Now, I must confess, I've always found the post-holiday period to be a bit draining. The hustle and bustle of the festivities, coupled with the societal expectation for self-improvement, often leaves me yearning for one thing—just a good, uninterrupted nap.

Is Estrogen Dominance to Blame for Your Sleep Issues?

Is Estrogen Dominance to Blame for Your Sleep Issues?

Today, I am going to share with you a sleep sabotager that I see in many of my female clients in their 40s, and that is Estrogen Dominance.  Yep, that hormonal balance dance can sometimes throw off our sleep game. But fear not! Understanding what's going on and having a few tricks up our sleeves can help us tame our estrogen so that we can get back to getting that deep, lush sleep that we all crave and deserve.

How Blood Sugar Impacts Your Sleep

How Blood Sugar Impacts Your Sleep

If you're among the countless individuals struggling with sleepless nights, the culprit could be hiding in your blood sugar levels. Blood sugar dysregulation, often linked to conditions like pre-diabetes or insulin resistance, can disrupt your ability to fall asleep, lead to nighttime awakenings, and result in overall restless nights.

How Grounding Can Improve Your Sleep

How Grounding Can Improve Your Sleep

Let's face it; our modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth's natural energy. Have you ever thought about how those rubber or leather soled shoes we love can keep us from connecting with the Earth? It's true! And this disconnection could be yet another reason behind your sleep troubles. So what is the solution?  Grounding, also known as earthing.  It is a simple yet powerful practice that involves reconnecting with the Earth's natural energy.

The Inflammation-Sleep Connection

The Inflammation-Sleep Connection

Let's dive into something that may be quietly wreaking havoc on your sleep. We've all had those nights – the endless tossing and turning, the frustrating struggle to catch some sleep. If you're like me, you've probably wondered why sleep is playing hard to get. Well, it turns out there's a sneaky culprit lurking in the shadows: inflammation.

Sleep Like Clockwork | Why A Consistent Wake-Up Time is Key to a Goodnight's Sleep

Sleep Like Clockwork | Why A Consistent Wake-Up Time is Key to a Goodnight's Sleep

Today, I want to set the record straight on some sleep advice that is often given but can be confusing and misleading. Specifically, the idea that you should go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. While half of this advice holds true, I strongly recommend focusing on a consistent wake-up time, rather than a set bedtime. Let me explain why…

Two Lesser Known Ways to Improve Sleep Post-Menopause

Two Lesser Known Ways to Improve Sleep Post-Menopause

Have you started suffering with your sleep post-menopause? Rest assured, you are not alone in this journey. Shockingly, studies reveal that an alarming 35% to 60% of women who have already experienced menopause face sleep challenges. Frankly, I personally think this is an unacceptable situation. You've come too far to let sleep issues slow you down. That's why I'm here to share with you two invaluable tips for improving sleep after menopause.

The Power of a Sleep Divorce

The Power of a Sleep Divorce

A few years ago, I found myself contemplating a “divorce” due to my husband's thunderous snoring. However, this wasn't a typical marital divorce—it was a sleep divorce. Surprisingly, this decision brought about a remarkable transformation, enhancing our relationship in ways we never expected.

Why Perimenopause Can Cause Sleep Issues

Why Perimenopause Can Cause Sleep Issues

For women in 40s and midlife diligently following sleep guidelines but still grappling with sleeplessness, this blog by Kelly Murray, Adult Sleep Coach and FDN-P is for you. Dive into what Perimenopause entails, explore how it affects your sleep, and share effective strategies to combat these challenges.

Why You May Not Sleep As Well This Summer

Why You May Not Sleep As Well This Summer

Are you starting to stress out that your sleep is going to worsen in the upcoming months because you sleep better in the winter versus the summer? If so, I want to let you know that you're not alone and this could have nothing to do with you as an individual. Instead, humans might just be wired to sleep longer in the winter versus the summer. A new study shows that individuals, even in an urban environment, sleep an hour less in the summer months versus the winter months.

Why Your Liver is Waking You Up at Night

Why Your Liver is Waking You Up at Night

In this blog post, I identify a hidden sleep sabotager that may be affecting your sleep - a sluggish liver.

A healthy liver is the foundation of good functional health. We dive deep into the direct relationship between your liver and sleep disturbances. I also discuss the many tips to improve your liver health from diet and what you are consuming, to household products, and how to show your liver more love.

3 Tips for Falling Back to Sleep After a Night Waking

 3 Tips for Falling Back to Sleep After a Night Waking

If you're like most of my clients (and how I used to be), you don't have a hard time falling asleep; staying asleep is your issue. You're likely waking up around two or three o'clock in the morning, and it could take you a couple of hours to fall back to sleep, that is if you can fall back to sleep at all. I know all too well how frustrating night wakings can be and have helped not only hundreds of clients overcome night wakings but myself as well.

Why Having a Fast Metabolism Could be to Blame for Your Insomnia

Why Having a Fast Metabolism Could be to Blame for Your Insomnia

You may think that having a fast metabolism is a good thing. However, like everything that has to do with your health, it is all about balance. A fast metabolism can seriously impact your health and sleep as it inhibits your body's ability to absorb calming minerals like magnesium and calcium.