Improve Sleep Quality

How Your Slow Metabolism Could Be to Blame for Your Poor Sleep

How Your Slow Metabolism Could Be to Blame for Your Poor Sleep

One of the lesser known reasons for insomnia is having a slow metabolism or low rate of oxidation. Through the interpretation of an HTMA I am able to determine whether or not my client’s four main minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium) are in balance. This gives me important information for how to help you improve your sleep.

The Difference Between Nightmares and Night Terrors

The Difference Between Nightmares and Night Terrors

Nightmares and night terrors come with a lot of questions…What are they? What causes them? How can we prevent them? These are some of the common questions I hear. In this article, I am answering ALL the questions you may have about nightmares, night terrors and what the difference between the two is.

How Noise Can Improve Your Sleep

How Noise Can Improve Your Sleep

While noise can be disruptive to sleep, I have also found that using noise to cancel noise can actually improve sleep. I’ve discovered a great sleep tool for you to leverage sound to help improve your overall sleep.

Will Going Gluten-Free Improve My Sleep?

Will Going Gluten-Free Improve My Sleep?

Gluten may be the culprit for your sleep issues. In this post, I explain why that is and how you can find out if that’s what’s going on behind your sleepless nights.

How to Repair Your Relationship with Your Bed So You Can Improve Sleep

How to Repair Your Relationship with Your Bed So You Can Improve Sleep

These 3 simple steps will transform how you sleep.

In the world of psychology, this comes down to something called “stimulus control” and the basic premise is this: our subconscious connects different environments with different feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

I call it "Just Don't Lie There".

Read this blog post to learn my 3-step strategy to help decrease the time it takes you to fall asleep or back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.

5 Travel Sleep Tips for Your Next Trip

5 Travel Sleep Tips for Your Next Trip

Traveling can be stressful on its own, but especially if you’re someone who experiences sleep issues. The anxiety alone of wondering whether you’ll get a good night’s rest while you’re on-the-go is enough to keep you up at night! Friend, I have been in your shoes and I am here to tell you that there IS a way to rest well while you’re on vacation. Read this blog post to learn my tips on how to do it!

How Your Adrenals Affect Your Sleep

How Your Adrenals Affect Your Sleep

One of the main healing opportunities I find with my clients across the board regards adrenal glands and the HPA Axis.

Not sure what the heck I'm talking about? No worries! Allow me to explain…

How Metabolism Affects Your Sleep

How Metabolism Affects Your Sleep

You’ve heard that your metabolism affects your health, but did you know that it can affect your sleep? Learn if you’re a fast oxidizer or a slow oxidizer, what it means for your sleep, and how you can use that information to start sleeping better NOW.

How to Create the Bedtime Routine of Your Dreams

How to Create the Bedtime Routine of Your Dreams

Bedtime routines aren’t just for kids. In fact, implementing a 30-60 minute bedtime routine for yourself can have a significant impact on your sleep health. Use these tips to craft the bedtime routine of your dreams to get the lush, deep sleep you’ve always wanted.

Change Your Mindset to Improve Your Sleep

Change Your Mindset to Improve Your Sleep

Improving our sleep and health is a joint effort — partly physical, and partly mental. As cliché as it may sound, mindset has a lot to do with our physical bodies. Studies have shown how our thoughts can either improve or deteriorate our health! The good news is, our brains are neuroplastic, meaning they can change. You can make new pathways in your brain by changing your thoughts. It takes time, and it doesn't come naturally to any of us — but the effort is 100% worth it.

What to Do When Your Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Health and Relationships

What to Do When Your Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Health and Relationships

You know that sleep affects the way you feel, but you may not realize that your poor night’s sleep is the reason you’re snapping at your loved ones. If this has become a perpetual issue, let’s look into the reasons why and what you can do to solve it. Read how to do it here.

When Is the Best Time to Have Sex for Your Chronotype?

When Is the Best Time to Have Sex for Your Chronotype?

Love is in the air. It’s time to talk about one of my favorite topics — sleep animals — and how you can improve your sex life with a few good tips regarding your chronotype. Check out this blog post to get the nitty gritty on the best way to get busy this Valentine’s Day!

Could Your Blood Sugar Crash Be to Blame for Your Insomnia?

Could Your Blood Sugar Crash Be to Blame for Your Insomnia?

If you’ve ever experienced a jolting 3:00 AM wake-up where you’re rearing to go, you may have wondered why in the world it happened. It’s actually indicative of a blood sugar crash — and here’s why. Find out in the blog post and learn my tips for how to avoid these crashes in the future.

Gifts to Help Your Loved Ones Create the Ideal Sleep Sanctuary

Gifts to Help Your Loved Ones Create the Ideal Sleep Sanctuary

You can never go wrong with gifting your loved ones something to help them sleep better. But sometimes it’s hard to know what to give them! So I’ve compiled my top recommendations of the best sleep gifts to help your loved ones create their perfect sleep sanctuary this holiday season.

Top 5 Tips to Help You "Fall Back" to Sleep at the End of Daylight Savings Time

Top 5 Tips to Help You "Fall Back" to Sleep at the End of Daylight Savings Time

“Hey Siri, reset the clock.” It’s that time of year again, and although this time change isn’t as tough on the system as that in the spring, it can still create challenges — especially for those of us with strong circadian rhythms. If you’re sensitive to changes in your sleep, definitely check out this blog post to prepare for the End of Daylight Savings Time to keep your best sleep.

How Do I Know If a Parasite Is Affecting My Sleep?

How Do I Know If a Parasite Is Affecting My Sleep?

Parasites: they’re tiny but pack a mean punch to the gut. These tiny organisms have the power to wreak serious havoc on our sleep. But how do you know if you have one? And what happens if you uncover that you do? Read this blog post to get the full scoop on parasites and sleep.

Should I Take Sleeping Pills to Help Me Sleep?

Should I Take Sleeping Pills to Help Me Sleep?

If you suffer from sleepless nights, you’ve probably considered at one point or another the possibility of sleeping pills. I get it! I’ve tried them all — Ambien, Xanax, Benadryl… — so no judgment from me! The idea that we can just take a pill and all of our sleep problems will be cured is pretty enticing. But, of course, it’s never that simple is it? Check out this blog post to get the scoop on sleeping pills.

Will Melatonin Help Me Sleep?

Will Melatonin Help Me Sleep?

About 99.9% of my clients are taking melatonin when we start working together. And as you can probably guess…. the supplements didn’t work. (Otherwise they wouldn’t be engaging my services!) In this blog, I take you through the science of melatonin and explain how it works in our body and, specifically, in sleep. Then I give you some tried and true tips for how to boost your body’s own melatonin production naturally.